All Events

Below, is the full list of our exciting upcoming events. For more info, simply click on VIEW MORE alongside the event details.


Market Briefings

Date Event Info
23 de Maio de 2024 Os Novos Regulamentos Para O Regime Cambial Moçambique 2024 Hotel Avenida, Maputo
6 de Junho de 2024 The New Exchange Control Regulations of Mozambique 2024 Webinar
20 & 21 August 2024 Zimbabwe Mining Law Masterclass 2024 Premier Quatermain Hotel, Johannesburg
11 & 12 September 2024 Zambia Mining and Tax Law Masterclass 2024 Radisson Blu, Lusaka, Zambia
22 & 23 October 2024 Tanzania Mining and Tax Law Masterclass 2024 Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

Training Series

Date Event Info
12, 13 & 14 de Novembro de 2024 Fundamentos em Saúde e Segurança Ocupacional, Moçambique 2024 Maputo